Basics of rand() in C++ & its Application.

 Basics of rand()

The rand() function in C++ generated a random value in the 'int' acceptable values. This can be used in multiple cases that helps optimize our code for a better result.

Let us start by learning the basic syntax and how we can manipulate the rand() function to generate a value which we would prefer to see more often.

using namespace std;
int main()
    //syntax of rand() function
    //max value of rand() function
    //trends with 'int' data type
    //controlling rand() values
        //between 0-9 (inclusive)
        //between 0-99 (inclusive)
    //generate at max 100 values
    //each value being at max 10000
    int n=rand()%100;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

Now, the application of rand() begin from testing to optimizing to fault tolerance and exception handling.

We can generate a function which would give us test cases for our code. Then we can run it and see of we get a desired output. If we get hit with some error, we will then know for which test cases our code gives this issue.

Let us see this from a bank's perspective. We have 3 variables, exist, deposit and withdraw. Obviously for any test case


    exist + deposit < withdraw

then it should throw an error.

Here is a code which is explained in the shorts.

using namespace std;

int generate(int exist,int deposit,int withdraw)
    //making test cases
        return exist;
    else if(deposit==-1)
        return deposit;
        return withdraw;

int condition_checker(int exist,int deposit,int withdraw)
    //you can withdraw from new exist value
    //failed condition
        cout<<"'withdraw' too big"<<endl;
    return 0;

int bank_return()
    //the values initialised for condition passing
    int exist=-1, deposit=-1, withdraw=-1, n=0;
    //only if n between 1000 & 10000
    //the loop will be exited
    //generate test values for variables 'n' times
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
        exist = generate(exist,0,0);
        deposit = generate(0,deposit,0);
        withdraw = generate(0,0,withdraw);
        //to see how the tested values perform
    return 0;

int main()
    //magic area

Here is a sample output.
