Formal Language Automata (All Units)

 Formal Language Automata (All Units)


  1. State Diagrams
  2. Transition Table
  3. Transition Rules
  4. Tuple Notations

Must-Prepare Topics

  1. NFA & DFA Creation
  2. NFA to DFA Conversion
  3. Regular Expression to DFA
  4. DFA Minimization
  5. DFA to Regular Expression
UNIT 2 & 3
  1. Elimination of Useless Symbols, Epsilon & Unit Production
  2. CNF
  3. CNF to GNF
UNIT 4 & 5
  1. PDA
  2. Turing Machine
  3. PCP

Secondary Topics

  1. Proof By Induction
  2. Language Acceptance
  3. Pumping Lemma
  4. Rijk Method Of Minimization
UNIT 4 & 5
  1. CFG to PDA
  2. PDA to CFG
  3. P, NP, NP-Hard & NP-Complete

Easy Topics To Complete

  1. Elimination of Useless Symbols, Epsilon & Unit Production
  2. PCP
  3. NFA & DFA Creation
  4. Language Acceptance
  5. Proof By Induction
Here is a link to the drive that has my handwritten notes named 'FLA 5 Units' for the open-book test. 
It covers each topic with steps to solve and one example solution. Hope you find it useful.
I have also added another PDF named 'ALL' which you can use for reference.

FLA Notes Drive Link
